Focusing on Government Examinations NT2, programme I and II

Pace offers all non-natives language courses in preparation for the Government Examination (‘Staatsexamen’) Dutch as a Second Language, programmes I and II (NT2-I and NT2-II). Course groups consist of a maximum of 15 students. Every three months, new beginner’s groups start. It is possible to join existing groups (flexible access) throughout the year.


The NT2 language course, programme I and II

During the course, participants work on the improvement of their language skills for work, education, and/or private use. Pace prepares participants for the ‘Staatsexamen NT2’, programmes I and II, with a number of learning modules. The courses focus on writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The fees depend on the group size and the number of course hours.

The courses that prepare for programme I of the ‘Staatsexamen’ aim at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Usually, the admission requirement for intermediate vocational education (MBO in Dutch) is level B1.

The courses that prepare for programme II of the ‘Staatsexamen’ aim at level B2 of the CEFR. The admission requirement for higher vocational education (HBO in Dutch) and for universities generally is level B2.

The number of necessary learning modules to reach the required Dutch examination level depends on each course participant’s starting position and learning pace. An average course participant usually needs 400 hours to climb from level A1-minus to level B1. During the level determination interview, we personally advise participants on the length of the trajectory. Please find a general overview of our fees here.


Flexible learning modules and independent study

Participants of the Dutch language course attend classes – of two or three hours each – twice or three times a week. During the level determination interview, we decide upon a schedule. Please click here to view our timetables. The flexible learning modules offer opportunities to adapt course schedules to work, study, and the private life of each participant. Participants are allowed to alter their schedules after the start of their courses.

Participants should be aware that, besides attending classes, they are expected to spend some time on independent study (homework). Outside of class, students are welcome to work in Pace’s open study centre and utilize the computers set up with internet connectivity and all the necessary equipment.


Dutch for compulsory participants

Did you become a compulsory integration participant in The Netherlands before 2015? Then you only need to take the Government Examination NT2. Did you become a compulsory integration participant in The Netherlands after 2015? Then you will have to take these three exams:

  • Government Examination NT2
  • Knowledge of Dutch Society
  • Orientation on the Dutch Labour Market (ONA)

Preparing for the Government Examination NT2

Pace also offers exam training sessions for the Dutch language exams. Are you interested in attending one? Check this page for more information or contact us directly!

Enrol here!

Take a Dutch language course at Pace Taleninstituut and flaunt your skills!
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