Do you want to properly prepare for the Civic Integration Examination or the Government Examination? Then apply for exam training sessions at Pace Language Institute in Amsterdam. The teacher will personally guide you in strengthening the skills that you need for the different components of the exam: the reading, writing, listening and speaking of the Dutch language. You can participate in these training sessions from language level A2-minus and upward. To attain the required level, you can follow an NT2 language course at Pace preceding the exam training session.


The exam training programme and exam

The training sessions prepare you for the civic integration exam or the government examinations (programme I and II). The exam questions focus on Dutch habits and rules. You also have to show your Dutch language skills. The exam training’s teacher tailors to the student’s needs, and offers the following during these sessions:

  • Sample exams;
  • Preparatory materials;
  • Practical advice about all exam items: speaking, listening, reading, writing;
  • Successful exam strategies;
  • Joint learning (in pairs and small groups);
  • Individual support and feedback from the teacher.


The exam training is given to individuals and in small groups, to guarantee optimal response to the needs of each course participant. For those who want a retake on one or more exam parts, Pace organises specific training courses.

Enrol here!

Take a Dutch language course at Pace Taleninstituut and flaunt your skills!
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